Re-Auctioning Documentation

New Opportunities

Currently in its last stages of Creation is the Re-Auctioning Program for Members. With this Program Members that have had the winning bid on a Flip House or Fixer Upper can place the Property back into a General Public Auction conducted twice a year by Omnistar.

If a Member has acquired a Flip House or Fixer Upper from an Omnistar  Auction and wants to Re-Auction it the process has been simplified. Just contact Omnistar and let us know and the house will be marketed and placed in the next scheduled Public Auction.

How It Works

Public Auctions work and operate differently then Penny Auctions do for the Omnistar Membership but it will still be required to have updated photos and a walk through video of the property if possible. Also a latest copy of any appraisals or documented improvements. We want to be able to provide the same type of documentation in Public Auctions that we do in the Membership Auctions.